LINC Global

Connect to Innovate

  1. Startup Acceleration Growth (SAG):
    We are passionate about helping startups navigate the intricate journey from ideation to scaling, ensuring they achieve rapid and sustainable growth. Our customized strategies are designed to meet the unique challenges and opportunities that startups face.
  2. Business Advisory Services (BAS):
    Our comprehensive advisory services encompass a wide spectrum of business aspects. From meticulously planned financial strategies to in-depth market research and risk assessment, we provide data-driven insights and expert recommendations to empower your decision-making process.
  3. Innovative PR Strategies:
    Our innovative PR strategies are crafted to captivate your audience, secure media coverage, and expertly navigate and manage communication during challenging times.
  4. Brand Amplification Solutions:
    Position your brand strategically in the market, create a visually appealing identity, and ensure consistency through comprehensive brand guidelines.
  5. Efficient Project Management:
    Seamless execution is guaranteed with our Efficient Project Management services. From project inception to completion, we adhere to meticulous methodologies, ensuring timeliness, financial prudence, and alignment with your vision. LINC GLOBAL ensures your endeavors unfold seamlessly, allowing you to focus on your core objectives while we handle the details.
  6. Sustainable Community Impact:
    As part of our commitment to social responsibility, LINC GLOBAL proudly offers up to 75% discounts on our services to community non-profit groups. Additionally, we provide certain services entirely free as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. We actively seek support from donors and collaborate with UN agencies to extend our impact and contribute to building sustainable communities. Join us in making a difference.